Monday, February 16, 2009

Best and Worse Parts

The best parts of the book would be when something really intense is happening. Like when Helen runs in the woods after what she thinks is the Punk Rock Thrower. Also when she gets the creepy tape and her locket, in which the pictures eyes have been poked out. The best part was when her and Pinky find the basement but then someone closes the door. They are then trying to find away out get out when the person comes back and is about to get them. These are good parts because they really get your heart racing.
The worst parts would be the boring stuff in between the really intense parts. Like when she is looking in the mansion for anything about Lucy. Also at the beginning of the book on her first day of school, it kind of dragged on forever. These are the worst parts because they are boring and don't really make you want to keep reading.

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