Monday, February 16, 2009


If you want to learn more about Rosemary Wells and see more books writen by her go to this link:

If you would like to learn more sbout the Thurber typing machine Helen was looking for go to this link:

Conflicts and Resolutions

Helen faced a lot of conflicts but she got through them. The first major conflict she was figuring out who she chased through the woods and who sent her the tape. Her next major conflict was finding the type writer, along with Lucy's history. There were also many smaller conflicts like getting on the Whaler, dealing with Aunt Stella and the cops who wouldn't help her.
Helen resolved all of her conflicts one way or another. She finally figured out that it was Barry who she chased through the woods and was spending her the creepy tapes. Barry was also selling drugs with the little book he got from Stubby. She found the type writer which was in Lucy's basement. Helen solved her smaller conflicts by making up stuff and being persistent.

Changes, Experiences and Lessons Learned

The biggest change Helen went through was going to a new high school and having to make new friends. Helen experienced a lot during the book like the car crash, looking for people who have been wipe off the face of the earth and trying to catch her stacker. The biggest lesson Helen learned is not to chase after people you don't know even if you think they could help you. Also be careful when trying to find out things people don't want you to know.

Best and Worse Parts

The best parts of the book would be when something really intense is happening. Like when Helen runs in the woods after what she thinks is the Punk Rock Thrower. Also when she gets the creepy tape and her locket, in which the pictures eyes have been poked out. The best part was when her and Pinky find the basement but then someone closes the door. They are then trying to find away out get out when the person comes back and is about to get them. These are good parts because they really get your heart racing.
The worst parts would be the boring stuff in between the really intense parts. Like when she is looking in the mansion for anything about Lucy. Also at the beginning of the book on her first day of school, it kind of dragged on forever. These are the worst parts because they are boring and don't really make you want to keep reading.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

End of Book

Helen is still searching greatly for Mr. Fairchild's daughter Lucy and her house. Helen has been unsuccessful and believes that he did a very good job hiding Lucy but her teacher thinks if she finds some doctor records she will find a mistake. Helen looks everywhere for some doctor records but she can't find any. She then remembers that her old school use to be a hospital and that her teacher knows where the old records are. Helen's teacher helps but they can't find anything, just when they are losing hope Helen spots and paper that has the doctors name on it. They begin to read the paper and Helen realizes that it is talking about Lucy's husband that had been blinded in the war. Helen remembers that the typing machine she is looking for was also used as a braille writer, so Lucy must have had the typing machine. A few days after discovering this great news Helen goes back to Mrs. Fairchild and tells her about the trouble she is in. This time she listens and tells Helen where the house was. The next day Pinky and Helen got to the woods, they find they basement and the writing machine but when they are about to leave someone locks them in. They are later found by the old Indian man who comes there to get medican from the mystery guy. Helen then asks the Indian to describe him so she can draw him. Helen and Pinky then go to the police but they still won't listen but then they realize the paper Helen used for the drawing is a label off of jar of pure morphine. They go to the basement with Helen and Pinky but they find nothing and think Helen is lying but she is not. Later that night Helen begins to recognize the person in the drawing so she calls Pinky and they go to get him. It is Barry, from the Whaler. Pinky and Helen call the cops and they bust Barry for shipping drugs. Helen is now safe and happy but she decides not to write her story.

Monday, February 2, 2009


Helen got the note from some mysterious person so she went to get help from the police but they won't help. Helen's friend Pinky took the envelope to his uncle to see if he knew what kind of type writer made it. They discover that it was printed on this type writer called a Thurber but there are only two known in the world. Helen then goes to her teacher asking if he could help her, he says he will. So they begin to secretly search for the typewriter but they have been unsuccessful. Helen then discovers from this man named Asa Roche that this guy named Lorenzo Fairchild could have possibly had one of these. Helen begins to research this guy and finds that he might of had a daughter that had disappeared. Helen believes if she can find where this daughter lived she will find the typewriter and the mysterious person.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Helen could probably be considered a seeker. She is trying to find a way to fit in with the kids at the Whaler and to help find the real Punk Rock Thrower.
Pinky would be a friend to Helen. He is not really critical to the plot but he is always with her trying to help.
Aunt Stella would definitely be the wicked step mother. She is mean to Helen and her friend Pinky.

When Helen is chasing after the man in the forest it is very scary. It is also unsafe she gets scraped up and hurt. Helen also loses her locket in the scary forest.

This book would probably have to be a journey. This is because Helen is looking to find the people she is looking for and the type writer. She is doing this to make her life safer and easier, so it is definitely a journey.

Monday, January 26, 2009

100 page Update

It is the day after the accident and Helen is now working on her drawings for the Whaler. When she realizes her locket is gone, Helen believes it fell off when she was running threw the woods. Helen tells Pinky all about the man she saw and he believes her. Later that night Helen was telling her aunt and father about it when the news came on. It said that they had found the Punk Rock Thrower and it was one of her classmates, Stubby Atlas. Helen did not believe this because there was no way that Stubby would be whistling the song she heard in the woods. Helen tells Pinky and he tells her to let it go but at the football game Helen and Pinky hear someone whistling that song. Helen knows it was the same person. Helen and Pinky go and talk to the police the next day. They still don't believe Helen and convince her into believing that she just heard a jogger and that the Stubby case is close. Pink then got a hold of a tip-off note that someone left in a squad car telling them where Stubby was. Helen then takes the note to her teacher, they both think it is very interesting. Helen promises that she will not go into this any further but she still wants to write an article about Stubby for the Whaler.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Reading Interests

I like to read in my free time but only books that are interesting. I usually like books that are funny, scary or books i can relate to. The last book I have read was Eclipse of the Twilight series. I'm now starting on the forth one Breaking Dawn. I thought these books where pretty good i read the first one in two days. I mainly read before I go to bed, when I'm bored or in the car on long road trips.
I can't really remember what books i read when i was in middle school but i remember that i liked books about animals. I have recently read this book called Running With Scissors it was really weird and really had a hard time getting into it at first but then it got kind of good. I also use to like those Gossip Girl books but they are a little crazy. I really like to read in this big comfy chair in my living room.

First Post

I am reading this book called The Man in The Woods for Honors English. The author is Rosemary Wells and was published in 1984.
In the first 50 pages this girl named Helen is starting her first year of high school. Helen went to a small private school and now she is going a very large public school. On her first day Helen locked all of her books in her locker before trying to open her locker. She had a terrible day until she got to her history class and her teacher found a drawing she did. He said that it was really good and should go down to the Whaler, which is the school newspaper. Helen went down the paper but the editor Jerry said that it wasn't that good but she could prove herself with a drawing for an ad. Helen said she would so she went to the paste-up room to learn how to do paste-ups. This is where she meets Pinky, he opens her locker for her and rides the same bus. On their way home Pinky ad Helen are walking together when a car crashes in front of they. they help the women and her child but they think the gas tank is going to catch fire. Pinky and Helen take the woman and child to a house near by but no one is home then Helen sees a man in the woods and she goes after him. She doesn't catch him but she thinks he is the person who has been throwing rocks at cars.